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Should you pay down debt before applying for a mortgage?

Should you pay down debt before applying for a mortgage?

Posted On: May 2, 2024 by Kasasa in: Your Financial Life | Personal Banking

A question many potential home buyers ask when applying for a mortgage is: Should I pay off debt before applying for a home loan? Credit card debt, auto loans and other forms of debt can all have an impact on a person's credit score, which in turn affects the rate they are able to get on their mortgage (or their ability to qualify in the first place). The answer isn't always as simple as a yes or a no, but there are a few figures to keep in mind that can aid in making this decision. Potential home buyers that may have too much debt may limit the size of mortgage they are qualified to borrow. On the other hand, those who pay off debt too close to the date of application may experience other issues while obtaining a mortgage due to fluctuations in their credit score. Understanding the loan process, including what factors underwriters consider when they're approving a home mortgage, may help potential home buyers decide whether or not paying off debt is the correct decision

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