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Online Banking

Why you should ditch your megabank and switch to a local bank

Why you should ditch your megabank and switch to a local bank

Posted On: April 16, 2024 by Kasasa in: Your Financial Life | Personal Banking

We get brand loyalty. You’ve been using the same kind of toothpaste for over a decade, there’s only one type of coffee that tastes right in the morning, a small handful of sources you trust to deliver you news. But when is the last time you second-guessed your bank? A lot of us sign up early in our financial lives with a national bank, maybe one offering painless on-campus signup to freshmen, or the one you went with because they have branches everywhere you go. That national bank doesn’t do as much for you as your morning ritual, though. More likely, it’s an out of sight, out of mind life process that you take for granted. If your primary financial institution is a mega bank, chances are you have a lot to gain by making the switch to a local bank. Here’s why you should rip off the band-aid and switch to a local bank, and some pointers to help you get started. Why bank local? Community banks offer the same financial products as national chain

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