Online banking

Online Banking

Building a Care Team for your Small Business

Every small business needs a team of experts to get their business off the ground and keep it running smoothly. Having professionals in your corner will give you the confidence and resources to succeed. These are the business all-stars that are necessary–if not fundamental–no matter your business.

A Lawyer

First and foremost, you will need a trusted lawyer in your corner. Starting and running a business (especially if it is your first time) presents legal hurdles you likely haven’t heard of before. Your business will enter in a variety of contracts, negotiations, and business terms that your lawyer can help you navigate. Your business may not need a lawyer’s assistance for the long run, but it’s a good idea to have one in mind. You don’t want to be thumbing through the yellow pages if a problem arises.

An Accountant

Every business has an accountant. Clear, balanced financial records are pivotal to keeping your business afloat. Your accountant might be in-house or an outside vendor. Even if you are skilled enough to keep track of your own income, expenses, taxes, and more, your business needs you to focus on day-to-day operations.

Your accountant will also give you an unbiased opinion on how well your business is performing. They can assist in creating a budget, filing financial statements, and projecting future plans. A trusted accountant is an important ally to have on your team–your business simply cannot get by without one.

An Insurance Agent

You might be well aware that your business needs certain insurance coverage, but typical insurance options and business insurance are very different. The law requires that your business offer certain types of insurance, such as workers’ compensation, unemployment and disability (depending on your state). Not only will insurance give your business credibility and keep you up and running, missing certain insurance options could land you in court. Trust in the experts to cover this for you.

A Trusted Bank

If you are a start-up, you may need funding to get your business off the ground. If you are established and have goals of growing or acquiring, a banker will be that trusted ally to not only help you obtain the funding, but to help position your business to reach your goals.

All business will go through periods of growth and drought. Economic impacts on the market can catch you off guard. We’ve all understood that a bit better over the last year. A trusted bank in your corner willing to help you though any period of growth or loss in your business is perhaps the most important collaboration you will need.

At Falcon National Bank, we take pride in being much more than a financial institution, but a lasting partnership. Our Business Banking team provides comprehensive service to move your business forward, from loans and leasing to online banking services and more. Discover what we can do for your business.