FAQ: What is a Kasasa Cash Back® account?
Posted On: September 5, 2024 by Kasasa in: Your Financial Life | Personal Banking

Sometimes the best reward is more money in your bank account. Kasasa Cash Back accounts give you just that.
When you spend money with your debit card, it benefits your bank. They make money with every swipe. There's no reason you shouldn't be earning rewards for your debit card spending the way you do with your credit cards.
That's the idea behind our free Kasasa Cash Back accounts. You get rewarded in cash back when you make debit card purchases, plus a few other simple banking basics*. When you use your debit card, you and your bank benefit. And there are no annoying points or category restrictions to keep track of — shop as you normally would and get rewarded.
Who doesn't love a little extra cash? That's not all Kasasa Cash Back accounts have going for them though. As with all Kasasa checking accounts:
The account is always free.
There's no minimum balance required to earn the rewards.
Your ATM fees are paid back, nationwide.*
The cash you get back as a percentage of your purchase is on top of all that.
You probably don't need an extra excuse to spend money, but Kasasa Cash Back makes it a little easier to feel good about your shopping habit! Stop in to one of our six locations, contact us, or open your account online today!
*Qualifications, limits and other requirements apply. Learn more here.